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Once we fly the nest, there is a certain set of skills that we’re expected to have to grow into self-sufficient, high-functioning, responsible adults. And those skills range anywhere from being able to change a tire, to doing some basic plumbing around a house to knowing how to knowing how to clean up after ourselves (without having to be told). But there are a whole host of skills that we either didn’t learn enough about, or we weren’t encouraged to master, so here are 7 skills every man needs to be successful in life:

7 Life Skills Every Man Should Have

carbon fiber wallet for men 

Conflict Resolution

In the age of internet trolls, and friend groups divided over politics and complicated social issues straining relationships more than ever before, understanding how to step in and de-escalate disagreements is probably one of the most important life skills you can master. Conflict resolution requires courage, critical thinking, empathy, and patience. This is also a skill that is invaluable in the workplace. It doesn’t come naturally for everyone, so you may want to consider hiring a life coach or mentor to help you master this skill, but it’s worth investing in.

Public Speaking

Okay, before you panic and click away, take a deep breath in, close your eyes, exhale, and tell yourself, “I can do this.” Public speaking is often listed as the number one fear or phobia. It ranks higher than getting cancer, suffering sudden job loss or even losing a loved one. And you might be saying to yourself, ‘Why would I need to learn how to be a public speaker if my career doesn’t require it.’ Public speaking has several purposes; it helps win over a crowd in a debate or argument; It helps you to educate others about a subject or topic you’re passionate about or want to engage in a dialogue about; And it serves to motivate people. If you have any desire to move up through the ranks at the company or organization you work for, you may want to consider taking some public speaking courses to help you nurture confidence. Or maybe, you want to join a virtual panel about a subject that you happen to know a great deal about. Public speaking is another one of those life skills that benefits you across various chapters in your life.

Budgeting & Investment Knowledge

Do you know how to live on a budget? No, but seriously? How good are you at saving? Do you even have savings? What about retirement? And is your money working for you? These are all things that you need to master. At the very least, living within your means and setting aside monthly savings for various reasons should be high on your list of priorities. Shopping for tactical wallets is cool if you’ve set the funds aside, and you’re not letting a bill slide so you can spoil yourself. Consider chatting with a financial advisor to make concrete plans for your financial future.

Practice Your Reading

Practice my what? Is this kindergarten? Look, we’re all lifelong students, and the sooner you embrace that, the better. When was the last time you read about a particular topic you were interested in, or an event in history you wanted to learn more about? Consider trading in a few hours of swiping up on your smartphone for getting lost in some great fiction, a riveting biography about your favorite modern hero, or a self-help book on whatever it is you want to work on. Reading helps expand vocabulary, helps to relieve stress, and sharpens your memory. Audiobooks and podcasts are great, but reading has been proven to improve your overall mental well-being. And you know what people care about more than the size of your carbon fiber wallet? Your overall health and well-being. 

Get Your First Aid Certification

This should be mandatory for absolutely everyone, so if this isn’t something you’ve already acquired, you should get on it. Accidents can happen at any time, any place. At home, at work, on the street, and there are times when every second could mean the difference between life and death. Knowing basic CPR for adults and children, how to dress wounds, and how to look for signs of concussion, stroke, and heart attack could save someone’s life. And bonus to knowing First Aid is you can often get a small bump in salary for having such a specialized skill.

Know How to Do Basic Home Repairs

There will instances when you need to call in a professional for safety reasons, but there are plenty of basic skills you should have when you’re living on your own. Knowing how to do some basic plumbing, how to install a light fixture, or how to repair drywall are all things that could be learned quite easily. There’s always YouTube and just think about how much easier it’ll be on the ‘ol tactical wallet when you’re not shelling out big bucks for a professional to fix something minor.

Have a Good Grip on Your Nutrition

No one likes being told they have to eat their vegetables, but if you want to lead a long, happy, productive life, you need to be doing more than just shopping on the outer edges of the grocery store. Do a deep dive into your nutritional needs, and consider hiring a nutritionist or dietician. These professionals can help you sort out meal plans and give you food alternatives if you have sensitivities or if you’re not getting enough of a particular vitamin or nutrient. The best care is proactive care, and starting with what you put in your body will keep you out of the doctor’s office and out enjoying your life.

Give Back to Your Community 

If this pandemic has taught us anything it’s how important having a sense of community is. With so many folks in isolation, unable to see their loved ones, some unable to access the necessities needed to live comfortably, some heroes popped up the world over to come to their rescue. Whether it was musicians donating their time to provide sidewalk symphonies, Zumba enthusiasts leading classes from their driveways, or the average citizen delivering meals and pick-me-ups to the elderly, these acts of kindness are something we should all be performing regularly. It may be difficult right now to volunteer in person, but there are other ways you can give back. Consider providing virtual tutoring sessions to someone learning English as their second language, or maybe your local animal shelter requires volunteers to take the pooches out for a quick stroll. Find something you’re passionate about and give back to the community that gave to you.


Some life skills you’ll pick up from living at home with your parents, and will manage to take with you out into the world, and others, you’ll have to get out there and invest in. Knowledge is power, and you can never have too much wisdom, so do yourself a favor and try to be the best human you can be at every opportunity.



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